Bi+ equal Survey

The purpose

This survey is our very first step for all of us to imagine, design and create the bi+ umbrella entity. The survey aims to gather experiences, needs, and aspirations of bi+ groups and activists across Europe. The collected data will inform the creation of a European bi+ umbrella entity, providing a stronger voice, power, and visibility for bi+ people in Europe.  Inclusion and diversity, confidentiality and anonymity are the main values respected in the process of this trauma-informed survey, from design to process and presentation of results.
The survey is designed by the Bi+ Equal research team Dr Jantine van Lisdonk, Dr Zeynab Peyghambarzadeh, Hilde Vossen, and Aida Marukyan, in collaboration with external advisor Dr Christian Klesse.

Our research journey began in May 2024, when we embarked on the  first step of mapping bi+ activists and organizations across Europe. On September 2, 2024, we officially launched the survey, sharing it widely with bi+ networks, organizations, and activists throughout Europe. The survey remained open for responses until October 21, 2024. No participants wished to withdraw their responses.
We compiled our findings into a detailed report, which was shared publicly on January 12, 2025, to shed light on the challenges and needs of bi+ activists and organizations across Europe.
This comprehensive report serves as an invaluable resource for advocacy, research, and initiatives aimed at supporting and uplifting the bi+ community. With it, we hope to fuel meaningful change and create new opportunities for collaboration and action throughout the bi+ movement.

The Survey Report

Want to read?

Download the full Bi+ Equal survey report here.
For questions, contact

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Join the Panel on Bi+ Equal Survey

Join the panel on January 22nd to discover the outcomes of the Bi+ Equal in a vivid conversation, share your lived experiences and ask questions.  

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Frequently Asked Questions

You cannot find the answer to your question here?
Contact us on website, through social media or via email:
What is Bi+ Equal?
What is the purpose of the survey?
What are the key issues/areas covered in this survey?
What is the language of the survey?
Who is invited to participate in the survey?
Definitions of key terms
What does taking part in this survey involve?
Are there any risks if I participate?
Are there any advantages if I participate?
What information will be collected in the survey and why?
How will my information be stored and how will you look after it?
How will you use my information?
Will my data be sent anywhere else, or shared with other people ​or organisations?
When will you destroy my information?
What if I want to withdraw from the survey? ​
What will happen to the results of the survey?​
Who do I contact if I have concerns about this study or I wish to ​complain?
How can I stay involved with Bi+ Equal?

Research Timeline

Our research journey began in May 2024, when we embarked on the crucial first step of mapping bi+ activists and organizations across Europe. During this time, we also worked diligently to design a comprehensive survey that would capture the diverse needs and experiences of the bi+ community.

On September 2, 2024, we officially launched the survey, sharing it widely with bi+ networks, organizations, and activists throughout Europe. The survey will remain open for responses until October 21, 2024, allowing time for thoughtful contributions. Participants who wished to withdraw their responses had until October 31, 2024 to do so.

After the survey closed, we began analyzing the collected data, taking great care to reflect the voices of the bi+ community. From there, we compiled our findings into a detailed report, which is shared publicly on January 12 2025  to shed light on the challenges and needs of bi+ activists and organizations across Europe.

This comprehensive report serves as an invaluable resource for advocacy, research, and initiatives aimed at supporting and uplifting the bi+ community. With it, we hope to fuel meaningful change and create new opportunities for collaboration and action throughout the bi+ movement.

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Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Vivamus consectetur lacus nec nulla ullamcorper, at consectetur lorem tempor. Suspendisse dui ligula, ornare vel ante et, porttitor blandit leo. Sed eleifend tellus urna, ac consequat tortor dapibus a. Nulla luctus tristique enim nec suscipit. Donec leo mi, semper auctor urna non, finibus dapibus nibh. Aenean ipsum purus, eleifend nec convallis euismod, convallis hendrerit mi. Aenean vestibulum arcu a lorem blandit, vel finibus nisi tempor.
Nullam at ex elementum, convallis turpis sed, mattis leo. Mauris massa massa, mollis sit amet mi blandit, vestibulum ultricies augue. Quisque bibendum, justo eu eleifend semper, leo lorem facilisis leo, quis vehicula sapien tortor quis lorem. Phasellus nec tristique ligula. Vestibulum massa metus, rhoncus non rutrum ullamcorper, lacinia at orci. Aliquam dignissim augue nec tortor viverra faucibus. Aliquam vitae enim auctor ligula posuere convallis sit amet eget magna.

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Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Vivamus consectetur lacus nec nulla ullamcorper, at consectetur lorem tempor. Suspendisse dui ligula, ornare vel ante et, porttitor blandit leo. Sed eleifend tellus urna, ac consequat tortor dapibus a. Nulla luctus tristique enim nec suscipit. Donec leo mi, semper auctor urna non, finibus dapibus nibh. Aenean ipsum purus, eleifend nec convallis euismod, convallis hendrerit mi. Aenean vestibulum arcu a lorem blandit, vel finibus nisi tempor.
Nullam at ex elementum, convallis turpis sed, mattis leo. Mauris massa massa, mollis sit amet mi blandit, vestibulum ultricies augue. Quisque bibendum, justo eu eleifend semper, leo lorem facilisis leo, quis vehicula sapien tortor quis lorem. Phasellus nec tristique ligula. Vestibulum massa metus, rhoncus non rutrum ullamcorper, lacinia at orci. Aliquam dignissim augue nec tortor viverra faucibus. Aliquam vitae enim auctor ligula posuere convallis sit amet eget magna.
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Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Vivamus consectetur lacus nec nulla ullamcorper, at consectetur lorem tempor. Suspendisse dui ligula, ornare vel ante et, porttitor blandit leo. Sed eleifend tellus urna, ac consequat tortor dapibus a. Nulla luctus tristique enim nec suscipit. Donec leo mi, semper auctor urna non, finibus dapibus nibh. Aenean ipsum purus, eleifend nec convallis euismod, convallis hendrerit mi. Aenean vestibulum arcu a lorem blandit, vel finibus nisi tempor.
Nullam at ex elementum, convallis turpis sed, mattis leo. Mauris massa massa, mollis sit amet mi blandit, vestibulum ultricies augue. Quisque bibendum, justo eu eleifend semper, leo lorem facilisis leo, quis vehicula sapien tortor quis lorem. Phasellus nec tristique ligula. Vestibulum massa metus, rhoncus non rutrum ullamcorper, lacinia at orci. Aliquam dignissim augue nec tortor viverra faucibus. Aliquam vitae enim auctor ligula posuere convallis sit amet eget magna.

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Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Vivamus consectetur lacus nec nulla ullamcorper, at consectetur lorem tempor. Suspendisse dui ligula, ornare vel ante et, porttitor blandit leo. Sed eleifend tellus urna, ac consequat tortor dapibus a. Nulla luctus tristique enim nec suscipit. Donec leo mi, semper auctor urna non, finibus dapibus nibh. Aenean ipsum purus, eleifend nec convallis euismod, convallis hendrerit mi. Aenean vestibulum arcu a lorem blandit, vel finibus nisi tempor.
Nullam at ex elementum, convallis turpis sed, mattis leo. Mauris massa massa, mollis sit amet mi blandit, vestibulum ultricies augue. Quisque bibendum, justo eu eleifend semper, leo lorem facilisis leo, quis vehicula sapien tortor quis lorem. Phasellus nec tristique ligula. Vestibulum massa metus, rhoncus non rutrum ullamcorper, lacinia at orci. Aliquam dignissim augue nec tortor viverra faucibus. Aliquam vitae enim auctor ligula posuere convallis sit amet eget magna.
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Are you passionate about Bi+ Equal and want to join us in this journey? Fill up the contact form and let us know! We get back to you!

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Join our self-managed google group and become a member of the Bi+ Equal network! This is going to be a safe space to share and learn, and simply bi+  together.

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